Colour plays a vital role in the word in which we live. Colour can sway thinking, change actions and cause reactions. It can irritate or soothe your eyes, raise your bloody pressure or surpress your appetite. When used in the right way, colour can even save on energy consumption. As a designer it’s important to understand the psychological effects colours may have on an average person, or your clients target audience.

Finding the right choice of colours is an art because everyone interprets colours differently. Therefore, the trick is about the entire selection. No colour scheme is ideal or universal. There is no best palette for a specific social or cultural group. We have to understand the meanings of colours so that they can support our message. Colourful information affects the decision making process with a surprising effectiveness. The designers role is to build a clear and understandable communication through the impact of colour. The fewer hues used in a composition the easier the whole thing is to remember.

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